SQL Server Performance Tuning

SQLBeat is focused on making management of your SQL Servers as easy as possible. Any DBA can query SQL Server's hundreds of DMVs, but it takes SQLBeat to cut through the noise and get down to the facts. Regular scans performed by SQLBeat highlight problems in real-time with:


SQLBeat monitors index utilization and presents detailed summary information showing which indexes are being scanned, updated, seek’d or are subject to bookmark lookups. This information is available through the UI for easy analysis and performance tuning.

Buffer Cache Memory

SQLBeat watches SQL’s buffer cache memory, and through the UI presents a detailed view of what is present in SQL’s working memory at any given time. Further, SQLBeat provides a clear record of what moves in and out of buffer cache memory over time, to help identify frequently used tables and indexes – as well as those seeing unexpected use.

Database Growth

Data and Log file growth events are captured by SQLBeat, and can be viewed historically through the UI to help analyze performance issues, as well as develop capacity plans.

CPU and Disk Queues

SQLBeat watches CPU and Disk utilization and maintains a record of any interruption to processing caused by queuing in either. Through the UI, SQLBeat presents a view of queuing over time to help identify periods of increased CPU or Disk activity which may be impacting performance.


Waiting imposed by local and remote resource contention – CPU, Disk, Network, OLEDB, Parallelism, etc – are captured by SQLBeat and available for query through the UI.


Inconsistent code execution and ad-hoc queries can cause unexpected recompilations, and a significant performance impact to your servers. SQLBeat maintains a record of buffers causing recompilation, as well as recompiled stored procedures and functions to make it easy to track down and resolve offending code.


Intra-SPID blocking caused by parallelism (CXPACKET waits within threads of a SPID) can cause long-term blocking and even deadlocks. SQLBeat tracks this blocking and presents a comprehensive report through the UI to allow you to track and analyze affected processes.

Server Memory Utilization

Internal memory pressures within SQL Server can often cause performance problems that are challenging to identify and resolve. With SQLBeat’s continuous monitoring, these statistics are always available and stored for analysis and query; SQL Server’s suite of thousands of performance metrics are archived by SQLBeat and stored within datamarts for query.

Execution Statistics

Execution statistics are captured and stored by SQLBeat, allowing you visibility into which stored procedures (or ad hoc queries) are being run, and the amount of CPU and Disk resources they consume.